Sunday, November 10, 2013



Sleep as it turns out is under-rated... 

for most of us. Not enough of it is causing weight gain.

We all have a lot to do these days and reasons why 
we are not getting enough sleep.
 Some of us have more than one job in this economy. In these harder times it is not uncommon for us to be sharing our homes with family members or boarders to share costs so it's harder to get to sleep. Some have new babies, businesses in at home making it hard to have down time, and/or children who need help with homework. There are single parents doing it all, a loved one with an ongoing illness we are caring for and, well, there are lots of reasons we don't get enough sleep these days. 
We are even falling asleep at work or school! 
at school and sometimes while driving a car - now that can be dangerous! 

One thing is for sure though we are tired and experiencing weight gain at alarming rates. It's causing a multitude of health issues from diabetes, heart disease, cancer, anxiety attacks, acid reflux, fibromyalgia, abrupt answers to simple questions in our relationships, and this list goes on and on.

Hormone levels of Ghrelin and Leptin get out of balance and make us unable to control our appetite and we are more hungry all the time. 
I mentioned more detailed reasons on my FB page "Mind Body Heal" 
on November 10, 2013, post. 

Also our over use of our technology has an affect on us also. Not good to use it an hour before sleeping: TV, cell phones, computers, video games, tablets, and if we are sensitive we should even put our books down. For me reading relaxes me but it depends on the book. I can't read a murder mystery at night - then I dream about it. Crazy but true. 

LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL is one way to calm

our brain & relax. I spray it on my pillow and sheets with a carrier oil very lightly about 30 minutes before I go to bed and sometimes I diffuse it in my room. 

DREAM BLEND is also a great way to relax naturally.

Just place on the bottom of your feet at lease 5-10 minutes before going to bed
Always go to bed 15 minutes before you need to be alseep. It gives your body time to relax. 

To order oils use this 10% off code:  sunshine818
This link for Lavender oil: 
And this link for DEAM BLEND:

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