Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Everyone wants to be more want to be "attractive"... well, that's what my husband said! Whatever we call it we all know that our image is important and the first thing people see is our face, eyes, and smile.  No matter what our job is or whoever we speak to we want to be noticed, listened to and appreciated. It starts with our image. 
This is my Mom and my daughter, Melissa, at my mom's 90th birthday party in May of 2013. We all dressed up in 1940s style, had 40s music playing, each table was decorated in one of the ten decades of her life and pictures of her & dad's life together. What's their image? GREAT! Mom doesn't even look or act 90 and even plays cards with her friends twice a month, drives to the store (with a legal new driver's license) and out to lunch with friends. Melissa really looks like Rosie the Riveter after four kids - two are 4-year old twins (which she had after curing Hodgkins Disease), one son is 12 and her oldest is a daughter is 15! Melissa also has changed her life using her organic garden as a "health aid" and essential oils on a daily basis for herself and her family.

 Surprisingly that image comes from the inside out. No not really a surprise at all. Your attitude drives you, your outlook on life drives you and then the rest is all frosting on the cake. 

What can we do about that frosting on our cake?  
Add ingredients carefully and follow the directions. 
each time we had a baby or needed advice for our own bodies. 
 What does that mean? 
What we put into our body, do with our body, and put on our body counts: EVERY SINGLE DROP. It all makes a successful recipe for a healthier, happy, and delicious body image.
Here's the recipe:
Step on the scale (ulg), take that number and divide it by 2 and that's how many ounces of water you should drink every day every drop. If you drink soda, juice, or coffee then you add that amount you drank to your daily water. Add 3-4 cups of vegetables daily. Curb the meat - if you eat beef use the grass fed beef instead. And MOVE that body - even 5-minutes a hour. Take a walk or arms even at your chair at work, home or wherever you might be. 
Add a few drops of essential oils for your DROP BY DROP ROUTINE:
SHIELD BLEND to boost your immune system
Click on this link to order and check it out:
ROSE OIL: to help lessen wrinkles and anxiety
Click on this link to order:
ROMAN CHAMOMILE OIL  to relax muscle strain - from all your exercise :)
Click on this link to check it out & order:
Try one or more of these essential oils. 
USE THIS 10% OFF CODE:  sunshine818 

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