Saturday, October 19, 2013



Whatever gives us depression it is an enemy to be dealt with and it's worth the fight. Depression is catchy did you know that? It can spread to other members of your family and those you love. It's not a good friend. 
Discouraging events happen in life.  We get overwhelmed and while it happens we focus on the disappointments or our expectations are not met. 
That's a dangerous one so my dad used to say,  "What now, Stanley?" He would push me to solve my problems and I resented it. Now it's a tool I dig out when I need it and I know it comes from being taught by a wise father. 

Spent the last week with an old friend, Vertigo, and she is not a friend I like having around. She makes life dizzy-ing, ill, and ahhh... depressing. The room spins, super nauseous, and basically can't get up. Gee, who needs a friend like that. At the other end you are left with fatigue, frustration & headache. 

I turned to my PEPPERMINT oil to help from the headaches, BASIL for the fatigue, and LEMON for the uplift I needed. I forced my MIND to think what my BODY needed to HEAL. 

 I had to remember why I am so passionate about health, wellness, mindfulness, and to remember that all our emotions, brain power, intellect are attached to each other.  It's not a matter of fixing one part it is a matter of fixing the 'whole' body as well as possible 
AND THAT IS A PATH NOT AN INSTANT CURE. I had to walk down that path this week.

So I started looking at pictures that make me happy and then I remembered my SUPERHEROES:
and actually when we start thinking about it we all have quite a few..... friends, family and this one is my cute hubby with two of our grandchildren, Aubrey and Hanna....
And even our pets.
We've heard the phrase, "It takes a village" well sometimes it's the same with depression.  It takes many choices to get us on a better path.  
Remembering what we have that is positive and using what we know to help.  For me it's family, friends and my essential oils. 
use my 10% off code: sunshine818
on Spark Naturals site to give you the uplift needed when times get challenging 

Thanks for listening, reading and responding. 

1 comment:

  1. I have been having a hard time this past month also with depression and anxiety. Just got my Jeddy's Blend the other day and am looking forward to using it. I think of my grandchildren also when I need to get in a happy place. Sometimes, it's just so hard. I know. I enjoy your blog and Facebook updates.
