There are foods that tend to disturb the flow of a good working body especially if those foods are eaten in the QUANTITIES that they are in our culture. Those
foods have the potential to make some conditions in your body worse. They can INFLAME joints, muscles, the brain, the bowels, cause tummy bloat, and the way you fluidly move. Those foods are: SUGAR, ARTIFICIAL SUGAR, WHEAT, SOY, and DAIRY. Did you know that about 70% of our calories are from Dairy, Wheat Soy & Corn. WE usually fill up of those foods and don't allow room enough for whole foods like leafy greens, lean meats and fruit. And we all know that added SUGAR as well as ARTIFICIAL SUGARS contribute to disease at alarming rates. Many people are on too many prescription drugs and are dying of liver failure at alarming rates from diabetic and heart disease and blood pressure medications. 80% of disease can be controlled by our diets that leaves 20% that are from our good 'ol ancestors.
I just finished a 28-Day Challenge to eliminate those foods and I have decided to continue eliminating them. WHY? Because I feel sooooo..... great! I had pre-arthritis in my hands and full arthritis in one vertebrae in my back (from a diving injury when I was 13). I do not feel the pain anymore!
I am still working out the stiffness, through Yoga, that built up over the years of dealing with the pain. I will include a tiny dairy and wheat every now and then to keep the enzyme in my body so I can easily digest those foods if I choose to or accidentally have them in the future. But my life is so much better without them.
Now to continue boosting my immune system I will continue to use Melaleuca
essential oil on the bottom of my feet along with cinnamon, lemon and clove.
essential oil on the bottom of my feet along with cinnamon, lemon and clove.

You can order essential oils from Spark Naturals, an essential oils company that blends quality and best pricing. If you choose to order use my discount code: sunshine818 at:
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