According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, depression affects 10% of the US population at any given time (and 30% for women).
The mental and physical effects resulting from a state of depression can be quite debilitating. While there are numerous drugs that claim to treat the
symptoms, these drugs do not cure the cause of depression, especially as considering numerous studies have shown their effectiveness is on par with placebos if not less.
We all fall into states of sadness from time-to-time given life’s occasional lemons. But did you know that we all have the ability to look to our mind for ways to not only dissolve that sadness, but to cultivate such a positive state of mind that we won’t fall easily back into melancholia?
There are many ways in which we can cultivate positive energy, but here are five top ways to transform your mindset from darkness into light, sadness into happiness. May they help lift up your soul, your spirit and calm your heart:
1) Appreciation
When you appreciate someone, you’re tuned into their positive qualities and express your empathy and gratitude for them. It’s a simple way to refresh yourself and
establish heartfelt connections with ourselves and others. Appreciating others and some of the simple things like nature is a good place to start.
2) Forgiveness
Forgiveness is the acknowledgement that people make mistakes and that holding a grudge will harm us. Protecting ourself from someone who has hurt us is different from forgiving them. By embracing the feeling of forgiveness as something that can help us, we accept it as an aspect of acceptance and doing our part. Sometimes it is important to remove ourself from a bad situation rather than allow ourself to be injured emotionally or physically by someone else. I have done this in my own past and I had to learn to release the feeling of hatred. It is the next and beneficial step for our progress into a better state of mind. It is damaging to us to experience hatred and negativity – all of which are faces of resentment. The face of resentment is ugly inside and out and only serves to make us less confident and less happy. I learned this valuable lesson first hand so I know it is possible.
3) Selflessness
Experiences of wonder can lead us to a sense of realization of higher states of consciousness. It relates to affirmation, as wonder openings reveal the infinite. It is a part of appreciation.
5) Nostalgia

Rid depression out of your life....a step at a time.
You can use exercise, eat "clean", changing your job to one you are satisfied with, see a doctor, taking an hour of "me" time to relax doing something that you love, call a friend, play or listen to your music, dance, bake something for someone, use essential oils (peppermint, Zen Blend, or Lemon), get enough sleep each night but not more than 9-hours a day. But most of all know you are worth it. You can do it. I did.
(Thanks to an inspiring article, by Paula Lenda, I was able to put my thoughts and some of hers down for you in this blog - if you select to use essential oils take a look at a non-multi-marketing company called Spark Naturals and use my coupon code to order: sunshine818)
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