When we are teens we are frustrated on so many levels and don't know how to deal with these pressures.
In those years we are constantly asking ourselves if our friends like us, if
we studied enough for the test in school, are we wearing cool clothes, did we say the right thing, why can't our parents give us more freedom. Plus we are stressed about our "breakouts." Teens actually have a lot of fears because they lack a lot of life experience.
How do we deal with our teens - we just love them enough to listen with all your attention and express understanding sincerely. We spend time with them and we don't try to be "their friend." Teens do not need a parent to be their friend they need a parent to be, well, their parent. Parents consistently support their teens morally, emotionally and, financially within their means. Friends do not have that responsibility. And that is a big tall order.
YES it is.
1. When my sons would act up we would sit down (not in the heat of the moment) and talk out what would go into a contract ..... the expectation, the consequence and the reward. He would get a copy, I would get a copy and there would be a hidden copy. :)
They knew what to expect and it eliminated a lot of stress. 2. THEN AT RANDOM TIMES I would ask them if they would like to go to dinner. Chili's Restaurant was a
"fav" and we would sit and talk away from home and the other family members. I would MAKE SURE they guided the conversation and do the talking. Always they would talk about what was painful to them. It was amazing. Sometimes these talks would go on for four hours and it would be a work night. Oh well, it was worth the lack of sleep because we were developing a sound relationship.
3. SMILE at them when they walk in the door....doesn't everyone like to be welcomed when they come home? Our teens need it more and they might not even express that but it screams, ACCEPTANCE. That is what they need to feel when
they come home.
Wish I had known about essential oils then. My fav for relaxing my attitude now is:
LXR ANXIETY BLEND By Spark Naturals Essential Oils
use my discount code: sunshine818
Click on this link:
You place a few drops on the back of your neck, bottom of your feet, across your shoulders, and on your wrists. It has a calming effect and helps with stress.