Sunday, August 17, 2014



fill it up with a few good books ...

Reading is mentally stimulating preventing memory loss keeping in tow the philosophy of "use-it-or-lose-it"and we all want to protect our brain. Improving your thinking skills will help in many facets of your life.
A good book will help you EXERCISE your MENTAL FOCUS, CONCENTRATION, AND ANALYTICAL skills. All three of those skills help your life improve in all areas of your life. And it prevents memory loss. 

Reading helps you have less stress in your relationships, work, or other issues because it melts away when you involve yourself in a good novel.

 Having more TRANQUILITY in your life when you
A "re-read" of a great book can bring that ahhhh...feeling
read a spiritual or self-help book eases your blood pressure and even helps sooth those 
with certain mood disorders. And it's free from the library.

Try re-reading a book that brought a settled peace to your life. Recalling perhaps that the first time you read that book it was on a vacation where you coupled the read with the relaxing waves on the shore. It also makes you more interesting to talk to when you are with others.

These are just a few important steps you can take to give you calm in a world of high tech and rapid change. It's important to keep our own sense of self. There are many avenues to find the peace we need in our lives. Another one is to try an amazing few drops of an essential oil BLISS CALMING BLEND on the bottom of your feet (then put on flip flops so it absorbs), on your wrists, or on your neck (add coconut oil for sensitive or young skin) and it can give you less stressful or anxiety feelings.

Friday, August 15, 2014



There are foods that tend to disturb the flow of a good working body especially if those foods are eaten in the QUANTITIES that they are in our culture. Those
foods have the potential to make some conditions in your body worse. They can INFLAME joints, muscles, the brain, the bowels, cause tummy bloat, and the way you fluidly move. Those foods are:  SUGAR, ARTIFICIAL SUGAR, WHEAT, SOY, and DAIRY. Did you know that about 70% of our calories are from Dairy, Wheat Soy & Corn. WE usually fill up of those foods and don't allow room enough for whole foods like leafy greens, lean meats and fruit. And we all know that added SUGAR as well as ARTIFICIAL SUGARS contribute to disease at alarming rates.  Many people are on too many prescription
drugs and are dying of liver failure at alarming rates from diabetic and heart disease and blood pressure medications.  80% of disease can be controlled by our diets that leaves 20% that are from our good 'ol ancestors. 

I just finished a 28-Day Challenge to eliminate those foods and I have decided to continue eliminating them. WHY? Because I feel sooooo..... great! I had pre-arthritis in my hands and full arthritis in one vertebrae in my back (from a diving injury when I was 13). I do not feel the pain anymore! 

I am still working out the stiffness, through Yoga, that built up over the years of dealing with the pain. I will include a tiny dairy and wheat every now and then to keep the enzyme in my body so I can easily digest those foods if I choose to or accidentally have them in the future. But my life is so much better without them. 

Now to continue boosting my immune system I will continue to use Melaleuca
essential oil on the bottom of my feet along with cinnamon, lemon and clove.  

I also use a 3-drops Melaleuca Oil and 1-drop of cinnamon & lemon oils in my rinse-my-mouth-to about 1/4 Cup water after brushing my teeth. 

You can order essential oils from Spark Naturals, an essential oils company that blends quality and best pricing. If you choose to order use my discount code:  sunshine818   at:

Friday, June 6, 2014


According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, depression affects 10% of the US population at any given time (and 30% for women).
The mental and physical effects resulting from a state of depression can be quite debilitating. While there are numerous drugs that claim to treat the
symptoms, these drugs do not cure the cause of depression, especially as considering numerous studies have shown their effectiveness is on par with placebos if not less.
We all fall into states of sadness from time-to-time given life’s occasional lemons. But did you know that we all have the ability to look to our mind for ways to not only dissolve that sadness, but to cultivate such a positive state of mind that we won’t fall easily back into melancholia?
There are many ways in which we can cultivate positive energy, but here are five top ways to transform your mindset from darkness into light, sadness into happiness. May they help lift up your soul, your spirit and calm your heart:
1) Appreciation
When you appreciate someone, you’re tuned into their positive qualities and express your empathy and gratitude for them. It’s a simple way to refresh yourself and
establish heartfelt connections with ourselves and others. Appreciating others and some of the simple things like nature is a good place to start.

2) Forgiveness
Forgiveness is the acknowledgement that people make mistakes and that holding a grudge will harm us. Protecting ourself from someone who has hurt us is different from forgiving them. By embracing the feeling of forgiveness as something that can help us, we accept it as an aspect of acceptance and doing our part. Sometimes it is important to remove ourself from a bad situation rather than allow ourself to be injured emotionally or physically by someone else. I have done this in my own past and I had to learn to release the feeling of hatred. It is the next and beneficial step for our progress into a better state of mind. It is damaging to us to experience hatred and negativity – all of which are faces of resentment. The face of resentment is ugly inside and out and only serves to make us less confident and less happy. I learned this valuable lesson first hand so I know it is possible.

3) Selflessness
When we are selfless, we shift our focus onto the needs of others, rather than keeping it on ourselves. When we make the shift from selfishness to self-less-ness, it is helpful
to focus on the well-being of others through your churchy, charity organizations or in your own neighborhood.

4) Wonder
Experiences of wonder can lead us to a sense of realization of higher states of consciousness. It relates to affirmation, as wonder openings reveal the infinite. It is a part of appreciation.
5) Nostalgia
Studies have found that people who have a heightened level of nostalgia have higher self-esteem and are less prone to depression. Thinking of good memories for just 10-20 minutes a day can make you more cheerful and happier. Nostalgia is a very potent mood booster and when you allow it into your life you will experience high self-esteem and feel more positive about friendships and chose relationships.

Rid depression out of your life....a step at a time.

You can use exercise, eat "clean", changing your job to one you are satisfied with, see a doctor, taking an hour of "me" time to relax doing something that you love, call a friend, play or listen to your music, dance, bake something for someone, use essential oils (peppermint, Zen Blend, or Lemon), get enough sleep each night but not more than 9-hours a day. But most of all know you are worth it. You can do it. I did. 

(Thanks to an inspiring article, by Paula Lenda, I was able to put my thoughts and some of hers down for you in this blog - if you select to use essential oils take a look at a non-multi-marketing company called Spark Naturals and use my coupon code to order:  sunshine818)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


SLEEP IS SO IMPORTANT but it's so under-rated.  
Babies and children need extra sleep because their bodies are growing at such a high speed.  Teens need it because their bodies are changing into adults and they are going through hormone adjustments.  Adults need more sleep because they need to function properly and continue to maintain their health. 

MEMORY and THOUGHT RECALL is improved with better sleep. ILLNESS LESSENED with better sleep. HEALING is promoted with better sleep.  We are even more tolerant of others and ourselves with the right amount of sleep. 

HOW MUCH SLEEP DO WE NEED?  AT LEAST 7 HOURS OF uninterrupted SLEEP FOR THE ADULT.  More than that each night is actually not good unless you are healing from an illness or injury. 


  • Not eating 3-hours before sleep is a good habit - allows the body to prepare for sleep
  • Turn off electronics at least 30 minutes before going to bed at night
  • Create a calming environment - cool room, comfortable night clothes, no noise
  • Comfortable bedding and pillow
  • READY SET GO - time to sleep

I include an essential oil called DREAM BLEND from an affordable essential oils company. You can order this amazing oil and use it 30-40 minutes before sleep:
And this 10% off code: sunshine818

Tuesday, May 20, 2014



We use laptops more than desktops these days. They are convenient, like "air", have faster speed, so portable, and keep us connected. It's GREAT to be connected, right?But there has been more research on the risk factors and we need to keep up with the latest.

We use laptops directly on our laps - seems logical, right?  Along with our great functionality of being "connected"
has been an increase with infertility (men use it more on their laps), cancer, and burns. This is the latest research and for those "Apple" users who say, "I'm protected" it's just not true. I'm one of those and I'm not protected and I thought I was using the safest and best technology. 

I've noticed my husband uses his laptop constantly actually hour after hour with his laptop on his lap. I've thought - this can't be good. Neither can sleeping with his phone in his PJ pocket, yikes. So for his birthday in April I bought him a lap desk pillow. He doesn't really use it much.  Stubborn or just used to doing things in the old fashioned way doesn't matter until I presented him with the facts. He has reconsidered. 

Children are more apt to radiation damage because their body cell/tissues are thinner which would expose MORE radiation to their
bodies with laptop and tablet usage. iPads/tablets expose "less" radiation but we need to restrict time and have them use them on a table or desk. 

We should "never" leave our cell phones on charge while we are using them, same with laptops, and iPads.  We should unplug when it reaches 100%, never use our cell phones in elevators because they are struggling for power and can do our little brains damage. Don't charge our phones next to our beds and use a headset when talking on the phone. Once you get used to that it's sooooo...... much easier. 

It's all PART of a healthy lifestyle picture: Boosting our immune systems with some healthy choices will create a more satisfying life:   7-hours of sleep each night, eating sensibly and within moderation, exercising daily, trying yoga or mediation, using personal care products that are safe like essential oils for calming our nerves, boosting our health, using products for cleaning that are not harmful, and drinking water instead of soda. 

I'm going to try Pilate's to strengthen my core and help me focus. I finally found a good instructor. It's my new goal.
Getting to the gym six days a week helps with my alertness and stamina. 
I use essential oils every single day to rejuvenate after a long day and on through an evening,  to help me sleep, enhance my mood, and calm me down so I can rest.

If you haven't tried them it's worth a try. 
Use my discount code: sunshine818
Go through a great non-multi-level marketing company (which keeps the cost down) 
I happen to adore: 



Thursday, May 8, 2014


POSTURING IS IMPORTANT. It gets you better jobs, better relationships and BETTER HEALTH! HARD TO BELIEVE BUT IT IS TRUE.  When we stand, walk, and sit taller we are healthier, apt to be more active, more attractive, more employable, and have less health issues. Why is that?  It's the way we were made to operate. 

We breathe better, digest food better and our muscles are strengthened by just having better posture.  I was thinking I was doing the right thing about my posture.  I was wrong.  I was arching my back and that through off my alignment.  It caused back pain and leg pain.  So now I'm going through physical therapy and I am relearning how to "posture" my body.  Crazy, right? 

When my daughter, Melissa, says keep it simple I had no idea how it can apply to POSTURING.  

Have we evolved into better health or not?  With more and more computer usage, TV watching while slouching, online gaming, less physical outlets while we are working more hours, iPad/tablet usage, texting excessively
with head down, and so much more all contributing to poor posture it's no wonder our backs hurt and we are not as healthy. Where are you on the posture line up? 

It's a little adjustment - tuck in your pelvic bone,
allow the muscles in your back to become stronger by squeezing your shoulder blades together without arching your back, on the floor knees up press your back against the floor (hold for 5 seconds - 30 times), and practice eating or sitting at your computer with better posture. It will make a difference that will improve your life. 

Good luck in your quest for better POSTURING - it will make you feel better in every part of your life!  Coupled with good sleep, daily exercise, and a good diet full of greens it will make you feel on top of the world.
 Try Dream Blend essential oils from Spark Naturals and use my discount code to order:

Thursday, April 17, 2014


... And what they need is YOU - we often forget that it's hard to be a teenager. Even when you are disagreeing with them it's hard to remember that they do not have the judgment skills yet to deal with some issues.

When we are teens we are frustrated on so many levels and don't know how to deal with these pressures. 

In those years we are constantly asking ourselves if our friends like us, if
we studied enough for the test in school, are we wearing cool clothes, did we say the right thing, why can't our parents give us more freedom. Plus we are stressed about our "breakouts."  Teens actually have a lot of fears because they lack a lot of life experience. 

How do we deal with our teens - we just love them enough to listen with all your attention and express understanding sincerely. We spend time with them and we don't try to be "their friend."   Teens do not need a parent to be their friend they need a parent to be, well, their parent.  Parents consistently support their teens morally, emotionally and, financially within their means. Friends do not have that responsibility. And that is a big tall order.
YES it is. 

1. When my sons would act up we would sit down (not in the heat of the moment) and talk out what would go into a contract ..... the expectation, the consequence and the reward. He would get a copy, I would get a copy and there would be a hidden copy. :)

They knew what to expect and it eliminated a lot of stress.  2.  THEN AT RANDOM TIMES I would ask them if they would like to go to dinner. Chili's Restaurant was a
"fav" and we would sit and talk away from home and the other family members. I would MAKE SURE they guided the conversation and do the talking. Always they would talk about what was painful to them. It was amazing. Sometimes these talks would go on for four hours and it would be a work night. Oh well, it was worth the lack of sleep because we were developing a sound relationship. 

3.  SMILE at them when they walk in the door....doesn't everyone like to be welcomed when they come home?  Our teens need it more and they might not even express that but it screams, ACCEPTANCE. That is what they need to feel when
they come home. 

Wish I had known about essential oils then. My fav for relaxing my attitude now is: 
LXR ANXIETY BLEND By Spark Naturals Essential Oils
use my discount code:  sunshine818
Click on this link:

You place a few drops on the back of your neck, bottom of your feet, across your shoulders, and on your wrists. It has a calming effect and helps with stress.