There are all kinds of Smart Products: Smart Phones, Smart Cars, Smart Shirts (these check your heart rate), Smart Computers, Smart TVs, Smart Tuition, so how about a SMART BODY?
Clearly these "smart products" are trying to duplicate, to a point, the human mind. Products are not smart - the word "smart" refers to the human mind. The "products" cannot compare to the divinely created human mind and what each of us are capable of accomplishing.
We can accomplish amazing goals. We can change our behaviors and by so doing we can change the course of our lives. Change is the only constant in this life. I have been reaching for .... changing the course of my life in terms of health and wellness MIND BODY HEAL. I want to make a difference in yours.
We can't change our GENES but we can change our habits. My parents have both experienced different type of heart problems. My mom suffers with arterial fibrillation. My father lost his fight in 2002 with heart disease when he was 76 years old. He had two-open heart surgeries at 48 & one at 60 plus a state of the art pacemaker 3-years before he passed. He died of a major heart attack in ER with his doctors present. He hadn't changed his habits - I was there that night and I miss him to this day.
I've been changing that course in my own life. It begins with knowing your life is worth it and changing habits. I've made that leap several
times and it's worth it. Have I been perfect at this, NO. Do I fail, YES. Is this normal, YES. I make new goals and change again.
Change is the dependable factor while we are alive. I won't give up on reaching for the goal of realizing I too can have a SMART BODY. Even if it means changing my surroundings for the better..

A SMART BODY begins with eating whole foods (not processed or fast foods) PLUS getting 7-8 hours of sleep for WEIGHT CONTROL blended with a daily exercise
program of your choice FOR A YOUNGER MORE ENERGETIC BODY.
I select to use essential oils as part of my daily health routine. My favorite is: Peppermint for "energy and alertness", Lavender for the end of the day "relaxation", Melalueca for "improved immune system", and Lemon for "muscle issues". IF THAT IS YOUR CHOICE ALSO OR YOU WOULD LIKE TO TRY THEM USE MY DISCOUNT CODE: SUNSHINE818 WHEN YOU CLICK ON THIS LINK: